S T E W A R D S H I P .



Culture has convinced us that if you only have a little to offer you’re cheating the system. The harshness towards those needing assistance & resources to accomplish their goals are embedded in the myth of success. You have to start with a lot to get a lot. But God honors what you do with the little He gave you. So fret not; your works are pure gold.


The middle is not mediocre. Nor is behind the scenes any less important than the limelight. As we chase our goals and understanding our purpose there are times we will have to follow, ask for advice, get mentorship, and rely on the fact that we don’t have all the answers. Take the two that you have and pass one along; you’ll be surprised at how far it’ll go for you.


To the perfectionist, the holder, the answer, the overachiever: take time to do absolutely nothing! Our individualist society has burnt out most its’ stars by throwing more on top of everything needed. You have succeeded in your endeavors and God will be glorified through you. But you have to be here to tell the story. Find out who you are after the mission has been accomplished.


There is vast research on the “food deserts” in Chicago especially on the Southside where most youth and single-led households are forced to grocery shop at the gas stations and liquor stores. Not only are these processed packages filled with the #1 killer in America but it also exposes our children to the shelves of tobacco and alcohol as they go in search of nutrients.

At DFM we have chosen to address the food insecurity in our communities because of its’ direct correlation with our health. Through partnerships with the Greater Chicago Food Depository and “fresh mobile markets” we are creating opportunities for our families and neighbors to change how they see food. We are hoping to move from living to eat (addictive chemicals in processed foods) to eating to live (nutrient-rich naturally portioned meals).


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1943) lists the journey of an individual from seeking basic human needs like shelter and food to reaching self-actualization through autonomy and advocacy. Many psychologists will agree that humans rarely obtain self-actualization because we are weighed down by lack of resources, community, and support as we progress up the pyramid.

At DFM we believe everyone has a voice and our mission is to help facilitate an individual’s journey to speaking on what matters. Most times we can say what we truly believe as long as we have 1 ally that doesn’t mind agreeing and advocating for similar interests. We are the only creatures on Earth with a voice so speaking matters to God and it’s what makes us unique.